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Sammy runs Sooley Run inserts

Sammy läuft Sooley Run-Einlagen - Sooley

Sammy, 42 years old and a passionate marathon runner, has optimized his running performance with the Sooley Run insoles for his favorite running shoes.

Imagine that every step you take while running feels like you're running on clouds. It wasn't always like this for Sammy Sell. In the past, every step reminded him painfully of his arched arched foot. Despite a wide variety of shoes and standard insoles, the pain remained - a constant burden in his everyday life and a major obstacle to his athletic development. But then he found us – Sooley. We are the ones who scan feet with a revolutionary 3D scanning app and use the data to create customized insoles for performance athletes together with orthopedists and orthopedic shoemakers.

You simply scan your feet with our Sooley app, and like Sammy, we provide you with a precise diagnosis and suggest insoles that are tailored exactly to your needs. Sammy was impressed by the scan quality - even better than the orthopedic surgeon: "That was really amazing."

Just a few days after the scan, Sammy got his insoles and started running straight away. His verdict? "I'm super excited, mega." Our deposits are more than just support; They offer you precisely tailored help using the latest 3D scanning technology.

customized sooley run insoles in running shoes

“My runs have become significantly better,” reports Sammy about the changes he has experienced since using our Sooley insoles. Not only do they provide you with comfort, they actively improve your posture and promote healthier foot mechanics.

Sammy particularly appreciates the balance between strong support and simultaneous flexibility that our 3D printing process enables. The app made it a breeze to do everything from the comfort of home, saving him time and effort. He was so excited that he ordered perfectly fitting insoles for his everyday and cycling shoes. This year he is preparing for 5 triathlons. Feel free to follow him on Instagram .

Thanks to the combination of cutting-edge technology and orthopedic expertise, Sammy has completely redefined his athletic performance. He can now walk longer and more stably – and all with a big smile. Sooley's insoles have become indispensable for an active and pain-free athlete's life. And the best? Sammy is now our Brand Ambassador and we couldn't be prouder to have him on our side.

Are you ready to take your performance to the next level? Then visit our website or download the app , scan your feet and get free advice. Start your journey to new excellence with Sooley – we look forward to seeing you.


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